Every year we are in the top 3 of the best law firms in the Netherlands in the field of client satisfaction.

Every year we are in the top 3 of the best law firms in the Netherlands in the field of client satisfaction.

Amsterdam 27 May 2016: International conference Economic Migration in the EU

Topics include: The mass influx of migrants – where next? The EU Blue card directive and the ICT Directive: the current state of affairs. Attracting startups / innovative entrepreneurs: a need for EU action?

Speakers include. Elspeth Guild (Nijmegen University) , Laura Corrado (EC DG Home), Tesseltje de Lange (UvA), Kees Groenendijk (Day chair/Nijmegen University).

Costs: € 110,- Registration with the viaΒ diepbrink@kroesadvocaten.nl or fax: +31 (0)20 5207069