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Every year we are in the top 3 of the best law firms in the Netherlands in the field of client satisfaction.

Highly Skilled Migrant – notification

If the employer of a highly skilled migrant notifies the (Immigration Service) IND in time, that is within 4 weeks, about the cancellation of the employment and/or return to the country of origin of the highly skilled migrant, the employer will only receive from the IND a letter of confirmation of this notification. The IND confirms that this letter is confirmation that the cancellation has been processed in the IND administration. However, employers have pointed out to the IND that this confirmation does not clarify whether the notification of an employee has been processed. The IND will adjust the content of the confirmation of receipt soon.

If the notification is not filed in time the IND will first enquire after the reason for the default discovered and give the employer the opportunity to state his view and the measures he will take to prevent it from happening again. Based on the contents of the conversation, the IND will assess whether there is any reason to take further steps. Further steps could be an agreement on a period within which the employer’s affairs must be in order, or giving a formal warning or even imposing an administrative fine.

Source: IND Newsletter 15 May 2014.