In 2021 and 2020 we are awarded as the best law firm in the Netherlands in terms of client satisfaction.

In 2021 and 2020 we are awarded as the best law firm in the Netherlands in terms of client satisfaction.

Sanctions Iran – Iranian nationals and residency in the Netherlands

The Security Council of the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU) have imposed sanctions on Iran, because its government is pursuing a nuclear programme. The European Union has also announced sanctions in connection with human rights violations in Iran. On 23 January 2012, the EU decided to expand sanctions against Iran (Council Decision 2012/35/GBVB).

The Dutch Immigration Service (IND) will not decide upon applications of Iranian labour and highly skilled migrants, Iranian scientists and Iranian self-employed persons and their family members who wish to work in the petroleum and natural gas industry or the petrochemical industry until it is known how this Regulation should be applied exactly to residence applications from Iranians. Applications for renewal of residence permits of Iranian nationals and their family members already residing in the Netherlands in these sectors also stay on hold. Applications from Iranians who are not working in the sanctioned sectors will be processed as normal.